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Scouts, the BSA has guidelines on rank advancement. In order to fulfill your rank advancement requirements you must “serve actively in a position of leadership”. Unless some extenuating circumstance exists (and sometimes they do, and that is ok), all First Class, Star, and Life Scouts are expected to fulfill the leadership requirement to move to the next rank. Scouts, if you need to talk about it, please visit with your SPL or SM at a troop meeting to discuss an alternative plan for you.

Visit this link to the position list and job descriptions

On Election Night, all scouts are expected to attend to cast their vote. If a Scout is interested in holding a troop position, or must hold a troop position to complete rank advancement requirements, be sure to notify the current Senior Patrol Leader no later than two weeks prior to the election. If you are interested in being the new Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader or Patrol Leader, please come to the meeting with a short speech to communicate why you are the best choice.

Voting will be carried out as follows:

  1. The Troop will vote for a new Senior Patrol Leader in December and June of each year to serve at least a 6 month term.

  2. The Troop will then vote for 1 more Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (elected) in December and June of each year to serve at least a 6 month term.

  3. The SM will chose 1 Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (appointed) in December and June of each year to serve at least a 6 month term.

  4. Each patrol will vote in new Patrol positions:  Patrol Leader and Assistant Patrol Leader in December and June of each year to serve at least a 6 month term.

  5. The newly appointed Senior Patrol Leader has one month to select Scouts to hold other Troop Positions (Historian, Scribe, etc). Appointed in January and July of each year to serve at least a 6 month term.

If the other key Troop positions are not filled within one month of the election date, the Scoutmaster will appoint Scouts to fill open positions at his discretion in January and July of each year to serve at least a 6 month term.


  • SPL = 6 month term from January to June and July to December.

  • Other positions = 6 month term from January to June and July to December

  • Some troop positions have unique terms, training and approval requirements or have specific knowledge required to perform. (Example: Den Chief, Instructor, Jr. Asst Scoutmaster, OA Rep and Webmaster.)


  • All Scouts who hold troop positions are expected to make at LEAST 75% of troop meetings and 50% of activities including camping.

Position Requirements:

  • To be the Senior Patrol Leader you must be at least a Star Scout and in 9th grade at the start of his term.

  • To be the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader you must be at least a 1st Class Scout and in 8th grade at the start of his term.


  • Some positions are appointed by the SPL or Scoutmaster on an as-needed basis, based on the current needs of the troop leadership. (Example: A Scout moves and a position is vacant.)

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