There are over 130 merit badges among which Boy Scouts can choose. An Eagle Scout must earn at least 21 merit badges, with 13 of these from a compulsory list. Merit badges cover a wide range of topics including skills, sports, crafts, trades, future careers, and more. A Scout learns and grows with each merit badge that he successfully completes.
HOW TO Fill OUT A BLUE MERIT BADGE CARD: Easy instructions on how to do it right!

Merit Badge Information Links
Step-By-Step Process:
Scout picks a merit badge subject (after reading the requirements for the merit badge).
Obtains appropriate BSA Merit Badge pamphlet (from local Scout store or T109 library)
Downloads appropriate BSA Merit Badge worksheet (on-line)
Scout can complete a merit badge in any of the following ways:
Work one-on-one with a counselor designated for that particular merit badge
Plan to participate in a Merit Badge Midway that offers the particular merit badge in a classroom setting led by a counselor
Go to Boy Scout Summer Camp
Scout obtains a blue merit badge card and has it signed by his Scoutmaster so he can begin.
Scoutmaster can also provide a list of designated counselors for each merit badge.
If working with a designated merit badge counselor, Scout then
Contacts the counselor, indicating which merit badge is desired to be earned
Learns from the counselor what are the expectations for this merit badge
Uses Buddy System during all meetings with the counselor: there must have be at least one other person with the Scout at each meeting. This person can be another Scout, parent or guardian, etc.
Completes the requirements as clearly listed for each merit badge. The counselor determines when each requirement is fulfilled (and requires no more, no less).
Has the blue merit badge card signed by the counselor.
If participating in a Merit Badge Midway or Scout Camp, Scout
Registers for the appropriate merit badge(s) in advance
Completes the requirements as clearly listed for each merit badge. The counselor determines when each requirement is fulfilled (and requires no more, no less).
Has the blue merit badge card signed by the counselor.
To avoid incomplete work on merit badges, a Scout must "be prepared" before meeting with the merit badge counselor.
T109 schedules particular merit badge sessions to help scouts work on these together.
Scout is responsible for full completion (including counselor's signature) of each blue merit badge card.
Scout delivers completed blue merit badge card to Scoutmaster who will provide final signature and update Pacific Skyline Council database with this information.
Scout will be awarded this merit badge at the next T109 awards ceremony.
Scout will be given his portion of the blue merit badge card as documentation. This verification is required as part of Eagle Scout Rank advancement in the future.
Later, the badges can be proudly displaced on Scout's Eagle Scout sash.