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Serving the Menlo Park, Atherton, and surrounding communities, BSA Troop 109 has been chartered by Menlo Park Police Officers Association since 1939.  Part of the Pacific Skyline Council, the troop has a rich history over the past 7 decades and is not affiliated with any religious organization.  Many T109 Scouts achieve Eagle, the highest rank in Scouting, and scouts can learn leadership and important life skills in a safe non-academic environment.


As a member of Boy Scouts of America Troop 109, you are joining a group of boys who share your interests in the outdoors, adventure, and learning. Scouts are given the opportunity to acquire new skills, to be challenged, and to be recognized for what they have accomplished. Scouts will learn responsibility, leadership, organizational planning, and other skills that are important now and later in life.  Most of all, it’s FUN!

Troop 109 has a variety of activities (such as hiking, camping, backpacking, community service, etc.), which occur at least once a month, with a week-long camp in the summer. Scouts are supported in advancement opportunities, and families are included in activities as able.  More information can be found at the troop website


Troop 109 is a Scout-run troop that provides opportunities for growth, learning, and enjoyment for its Scouts through a nondenominational Scouting program. We have an active outdoor program and support the neighborhood, local schools, and our charter organization. Troop 109 embraces the concept that diverse interests both inside and outside of scouting strengthen the Troop overall. There are many opportunities for all Troop 109 scouts to participate in the full range of scouting activities including fellowship, outdoor events, and leadership, as well as support in pursuit of advancement and merit badges. Each scout is encouraged, with parental support, to make individual choices regarding his own participation in the various opportunities offered by scouting and Troop 109.

Annual Plan 

Each year in August, Scouts and Troop adults meet in a planning session to draw up an outline of activities for the coming year. The result of these meetings is the annual plan which is used to guide our monthly Patrol Leaders' Council (PLC) meeting where the details of the various activities are decided. 

Troop Structure

The Troop is divided into several Scout-led Patrols. Each patrol has an elected Patrol Leader and an Assistant Patrol leader. The troop as a whole is lead by the Senior Patrol Leader who is elected by all the Scouts. The Scoutmaster is the adult leader of the troop and is selected by the committee. His job is to provide adult guidance and leadership to the SPL, and communicate with the Scouts and committee. The Troop Committee is made up of adult volunteers and is primarily focused on the support of Troop activities as defined by the Scouts and mentored by the Scoutmasters. The Committee chair leads the committee meetings and is the primary point of contact for the chartered organization. 

BSA Troop 109 - Menlo Park, CA 
Redwood District
Pacific Skyline Council

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